5 Easy Daily Habits of Happy People: Is it Tough to be Happy?

Nusrat Tasnim
4 min readJul 13, 2021

During this long time of the pandemic, like many, I am out of my regular routine too. Before this time, I was busy with my classes, assignments, friends, and many other things at my university, So suddenly this long and unexpected vacation threw me into a situation where I started to feel anxious, depressed. I felt like all of my happiness disappeared all of a sudden.

I know many of you are suffering just like me. But please don’t be a worry. I am here to make you assure that this is normal and you are not alone in this race. I have studied a lot about the mental situation of people all over the world in the last few days. One of the studies showed that the depression level among Canadians has increased from 8 to 21 percent during this Covid-19 situation. This research is enough to realize the mental condition of people around the globe right now.

But bowing down to a bad situation is not a solution. Rather it is more intellectual to find out a way to overcome and fight against the dark time. And of course, there are daily easy habits followed by people who are happier found in many pieces of research. So let’s jump into the daily habits of happy people.

Daily Habits of Happy People

Being happy may sometimes seem hard to you. But you will come out of this thinking just when you will learn to think for others in a more worsened situation than you. However, I have found out 5 of the following easy habits that may make your life happier without doing a lot. Here we go-

Photo by Arjohn Janroe Queral on unsplash
Photo by Arjohn Janroe Queral on Unsplash

Being Grateful

How do you feel when one of your friends gives you thanks for helping him/her. People definitely feel good when they get good feedback. But you will be surprised to know, according to research gratitude has a strong relationship with happiness. That means you will feel good too when you will start practicing giving thanks to others.

Gratitude has a strong power to make a positive influence on the body and mind. It makes a strong bond among relationships. So whatever the situation is, show gratitude towards all and everything in your life.

Helping Others

Charity can be a source of happiness in life. One of the surveys conducted on the people of Malaysia showed that 50% of respondents expressed that the time or cash they gave to a good cause or helping other people could give them some bliss.

Don’t think helping others need a lot of money. Even your smile, valuable time, caring can be a charity to others. Do for people, it will definitely give you a reason to be happier in life.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Taking Care of Ownself

Don’t be forgetful of your own self. Your body and mind have the right to get proper care from you. How can you be happy if you are physically unwell?

In one of the surveys conducted on South Koreans, 84% of all surveyed South Koreans said their good health has given them the greatest happiness. Proper eating and drinking habits, nice sleep, regular exercises are a must for being in good health.

Moreover, spend some time just for you daily. Doing hobby work can make you happy. About 86% of South Koreans have said that leisure activities and interests are a wellspring of satisfaction for them.

Photo by Pezibear on Pixabay

Avoid Comparing

Comparing is a natural human behavior. Human beings like to compare focusing on the things that they have not rather than the things they have more than others. It’s so natural to be depressed about your own’s life if you go on comparing it with others. Comparing creates a bad influence on the mind.

Research is also saying people who do lower comparison are happier in their life. Don’t ruin the happiness of life just making it compared to others. Enjoy and celebrate your small joys of life.

Limited Social Media Usage

Social media has become a part of our life in recent years. Social media usage has a strong correlation with mental depression according to a recent study conducted on university students of Afganistan.

Limited usage of social media is only possible when you will find productive work for yourself to replace the habit of over social media usage. Find out the work that you like most to do. It can be gardening, writing, learning new skills, cooking, crafting, and many more things. Make a reason to find happiness in them rather than overusing social media.


Life is a mixture of happiness and sorrow. There is no one on the planet who has not to face a bad time. But the real heroes are those who have made a way out to be happy. Your happiness will not only benefit you but the people around you too. One of the research shows that happy people are more productive in their work too. So, from now practice these daily habits of happy people to be one of them. Being happy is really not tough according to my observation after practicing these habits myself. Moreover, it doesn’t need more money or wealth to be happy too. So, Let’s be happy and spread happiness to all :)



Nusrat Tasnim

I like to explore new things and write on them.