5 Major Impacts of Covid-19 on Childhood Obesity-

Nusrat Tasnim
4 min readJun 22, 2021

Know for Your Kids

Are you thinking about the rising extra weight of your children during this pandemic? If yes, this article will inform you of the major factors which are working behind the rising obesity among youngsters as an impact of Covid-19.

Obesity has become an alarming health issue for children in recent years. According to the World Health Organization, obesity among people aged 5–9 years has increased from 4% to 18% between 1975 to 2016. This organization also reported that in 2020 the number of overweight children under the age of 5 was 39 million.

The above statistics are enough to realize the alarming obesity rate among children currently. The Covid-19 situation has deteriorated this situation more.

Physical activity, good nutrition, sound sleep, and proper mental health are the conditions for maintaining body weight. But Covid-19 situation has made an effect on all of these conditions which can be considered as the major impacts of Covid-19 on childhood obesity.

What are the Impacts of Covid-19 on Childhood Obesity?

Covid-19 has changed the daily routine of almost all the school-going children. This has led to physical inactivity for them for a long time. Moreover, children are now spending more screen time and consuming more junk foods. With the loss of daily routine, the normal sleeping duration has also changed. Let’s see how researchers have analyzed the risk factors for childhood obesity during the current pandemic.

Less Physical Activity

Research conducted in 2016, has shown that during the summer vacation obesity among the student increased from 8.9% to 11.5%. The researchers concluded that the obesity rate is higher when students are out of school.

Based on this research, recent research on the relation of closing of the school and the risk of weight gain among children is saying that children are more susceptible to weight gain due to less physical activity during this time.

Children who are living in small apartments or in urban areas have no chance to play outside. Moreover, parks or other playgrounds were also closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

So, this long closure of schools and lockdowns has definitely impacting badly the extra weight gain among children.

Changing Food Habits

Recent research by Bright Harbour has shown that many families in the UK are relying on the processed food and inexpensive carbohydrates rather than fruits or vegetables during the Covid-19 situation. This was because many of the families are facing a financial crisis. This changing of food habits is of course the reason for the obesity of children.

Research on Italian children has found out that the consumption of potato chips, red meat, and sugary drink has increased significantly during this lockdown.

Moreover, many students are not getting nutritious foods due to school closure in many countries. About 30 million children were served nutritious foods by National School Lunch Program in the USA. These students are perhaps depending on the inexpensive carbohydrates which may result in obesity.

Increasing Screen Times

Screen time has increased by 5 hours per day in comparison with the pre-Covid-19 situation, reported by research conducted on the children of Italy. This is no surprise as students now need to join online classes. Again, the time for playing or any other physical activities is also taken by the mobile, laptop, or TV screen.

A review article of 2013 has reported that screen time is associated with taking additional snacks. This can be responsible for gaining more weight.

Unusual Sleep

Duration of sleeping and good health are related to each other. Research of 2018, has concluded that short sleeping behavior is a risk factor for obesity. The children aged approximately 9–13 who sleep less than 10 hours a day are more susceptible to be overweight or obese according to research conducted on the student of Victorian Primary School.

During this pandemic situation, many of the children are not in their routined life. As a result, their sleeping time has also become changed. This can be a reason for obesity among children.

More Mental Stress

Many of the families are suffering from mental pressure due to this Covid-19 situation. According to research, worsened mental health of parents has an effect on the children of that family. The stress of the parents is associated with childhood obesity according to another research.

Many parents are stressed with the economic condition of the family due to this pandemic which may also be a factor in the obesity of their children.


Covid-19 is still a danger for all of us no doubt. But neglecting the obesity issue of your child may cause serious health problems in the long term. There is no way to vanish Covid-19 from the world. Therefore, taking steps to reduce the impacts of Covid-19 on childhood obesity in your family should be a priority from now on. Also, authorities, Governments have responsibilities to think about this issue too. Set your mind to maintain a healthy lifestyle and encourage the kids of your family too!



Nusrat Tasnim

I like to explore new things and write on them.